

In your test script, you need to require the rails test_helper:

require File.dirname(FILE)+’/../../../../test/test_helper.rb’


Put your initialisation code in lib/your_plugin_name.rb and require it from init.rb in the plugin’s root:
require ‘your_plugin_name’

Don’t reopen classes in init.rb, as this file is eval’d, which has some implications on the scope in which this code is run.


You can place your migrations under db/migrate and migrate your database with this rake tasks provided by the engines plugin:
rake db:migrate:plugins


It is advised to put your controllers in a module of the name of your plugin:
class MadbNotifications::NotificationSubscriptionsController < ApplicationController
before_filter :login_required

def blabla end end

If your controller only accepts authenticated requests (eg the user has to be logged in), remember to add the before_filter :login_required !
This will give you access to current_user, which returns the logged in user.


If you need to define routes, you can do it in the routes.rb fine in the plugin’s root directory

Hooks in views

Your plugin can add content in views.
Put your content in your plugin’s app/views/plugin_name/#{controller}/#{view}.html.rb file, eg

Be sure to not use the same path as the main view you’re plugging in. In this case, if you put your view under app/views/entities/list.html.erb you’ll get in trouble!

Then, in lib/your_plugin_name.rb, add activate the hook you just created:

AppConfig.plugins.push( {:name => :madb_notifications, :entities_list_top_buttons => “madb_notifications/entities/list” } )

Current hooks:

  • :admin_entities_view for content displayed under the fields list of an entity, but above the buttons (see /app/admin/entities/show/#{entity_id})
  • :entities_list_top_buttons for adding buttons on top of the instances list (see /app/entities/list/#{entity_id})

Translations and locales

You can put your locales in the config/locales subdirectory of your plugin.
Put all your translations under the namespace of your plugin. For example:
update_subscriptions: “Update Subscriptions”
notify_me_when_entity_instance_is_created: “Notify me when entry is created”