How instances are fetched

[[Dedomenon Concepts]] dealt with the issue of how the instances are fetched. This section describes how the instances are fetched. Implementations for fetching the instances for Dedomenon core and the REST API are different as later one allows editing and creation of multiple values against a details which is not available from the interface.

Dedomenon Core Implementation

This section describes the mechanism that’s used for fetching the instances in core Dedomenon.

The big picture

The main query that fetches the instances caters for conditional fetching, ordering the instances and also takes cares of the pagination. The main query looks like this:

SELECT * FROM crosstab_query query_filter ORDER BY ordering LIMIT limit OFFSET offset
  • crosstab_query can be thought of a table or a view. In fact its a query that joins and unions multiple tables. We’ll look at its details later but for now, you can think of it as a table which contains all the details as its columns that a given entity has.
  • query_filter is in fact a WHERE clause which filters out certain instances. We look into it later.
  • ordering is a list of detail names according to which instances are to be ordered.
  • limit is a number as usually in normal SQL statements used to limit the number records to certain extent.

What is crosstab_query?

As mentioned in [[Database Structure]], each type of detail value is saved in a different table. Text type values including web urls, emails, simple and large texts are stored in detail_values table. While integer types are stored in integer_detail_values_. Dates go to date_detail_values and details with propositions go to ddl_propositionvalues table.
In order to present and assemble a single instance, we need to join all these tables. Suppose we want to get all the instaces of entity with ID 1. The query w

SELECT DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, dv.value FROM instances i 
  JOIN detail_values dv ON ( 
  JOIN details d ON ( WHERE i.entity_id=1

The above query joins instances, details and detail values.

  • instancse of given entity are picked
  • detail_values for those picked instances are also picked up
  • details belongingn to each of the detail_values are also picked.

So the result set would something like this:

id name value
1 firstname Raphael
1 lastname Baudin
1 email
2 firstname Mohsin
2 lastname Hijazee
2 email

Please note the DISTINCT ON (, clause in the above query. Dedomenon is capable of storing multiple values agains a single detail. This DISTINCT is to prevent selecting all the values against a detail and only picking the first one. This has to do something with the crosstab function that we describe later.

Digging further

The query that you just looked into would be picking the detail values from detail_values table only. This means that you’ll only be able to get simple text, email, web url and large text types. But Dedomenon supports even integers, dates and propositions. As described in [[Database Structure]] document, each of these types go into their own tables. So it turns out that we need such a query for each of them.

For fetching integers:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, dv.value::text FROM instances i 
  JOIN integer_detail_values dv ON ( 
  JOIN details d ON ( 
  WHERE i.entity_id=2 
  ORDER BY id, name

Note that dv.value is used as dv.value::text. This is to type case the integer to text.

For the date values:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, dv.value::text FROM instances i 
  JOIN date_detail_values dv ON ( 
  JOIN details d ON ( 
  WHERE i.entity_id=2 
  ORDER BY id, name

And finally for the propositions:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, pv.value FROM instances i 
    JOIN ddl_detail_values dv 
    JOIN detail_value_propositions pv ON ( ON ( 
    JOIN details d ON ( 
    WHERE i.entity_id 
    ORDER BY id, name

Note that an additional table detail_value_propositions is being joined and its value is being treated as the value.

Each of these queries only selects a single type of value. If we want to get instanes containing detail values for all types of datatypes, we need to someshow unify all these result sets into on. SQL UNION does this for us:

 DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, dv.value::text FROM instances i 
    JOIN integer_detail_values dv ON ( 
    JOIN details d ON ( 
    WHERE i.entity_id=2 
  SELECT DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, dv.value::text FROM instances i 
    JOIN date_detail_values dv ON ( 
    JOIN details d ON ( 
  WHERE i.entity_id=2 
  SELECT DISTINCT ON (,, LOWER( AS name, pv.value FROM instances i 
    JOIN ddl_detail_values dv 
    JOIN detail_value_propositions pv ON ( ON ( 
    JOIN details d ON ( 
  WHERE i.entity_id ORDER BY id, name

When executed, the formation of the result set would be the same but values for details of other types would also be popping up:

id name value
1 firstname Raphael
1 lastname Baudin
1 email
1 age 26
1 joined 2005-11-21
2 firstname Mohsin
2 lastname Hijazee
2 email
2 age 24
2 joined 2007-11-01