Dedomenon Plugins

This is work in progress and subject to change!!

Initialise your plugin

So that Dedomenon know of your plugin, you have to initialize it correctly.

Dedomenon internally uses a configuration object named AppConfig, and all dedomenon plugins should register in the ‘plugins’ attribute of AppConfig.

Your plugin should push a hash with these keys:

  • :name : the name of your plugin, corresponding to the directory in which it is located, ie vendor/plugins/:name
  • :admin_view : the path to an anction of a controller in your plugin, that will be rendered in the settings page of the user. This can simply display a link to display a page rendered by a controller in your plugin.


AppConfig.plugins.push( {:name => :dedo_rest_simple , :admin_view => “/rest/simple/admin/index”} )

Translation files

Dedomenon automatically loads translations located in the config/locales/ subdirectory of your plugin.
All your translations should be put under the scope dedo:plugin:plugin_name (where you substitute plugin_name by your real plugin name).


Migrations of plugins should be placed under db/migrate, but these are not applied automatically. The admin of the dedomenon software should apply migrations manually.
When adding tables and adding columns to existing tables, prefix their names with dedo_plugin_#{plugin_name}