Warning: this is not applicable to the current Dedomenon version!

REST API Documentation

Dedomenon is an online data storage solution which is also accessible via REST API.

Conventions of the REST API

  • All POST operations return URLs of the newly created resource.
  • All PUT operations return update resource in JSON format.
  • All PUT calls expect lock_version in the resource
  • ALL DELETE calls require lock_version parameter
  • ALL GETT calls return a [[ResourceParcel|resource parcel]]
  • All communication is accepted and responded in JSON format.
  • Note: GETT in this documentation refers to a call which retrieves a collection of items instead of any specific item for example: GET /users

Status Codes

Following status codes are used all over

HTTP Code Meaning Returned On
201 Resource created POST
200 Operation Successfull GET/PUT/DELETE
400 Bad Request. Mostly returned when some required piece of information is missing ALL
403 Forbidden. Operation not allowed GET/PUT/DELETE/POST
404 Resource Not Found. Any of the mentioned resource does not exists ALL
409 Version Conflict. Item is updated from somewhere else PUT/DELETE
500 Internal Server Error. Or if system fails to delete an object. ALL

Available Calls

Here are the available calls.


Account resources can be interacted in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
ACC.01 POST /accounts [[AccountResource Account]] URL of newly created account
ACC.02 PUT /accounts/:id [[AccountResource Account]] Updated [[AccountResource Account]]
ACC.03 GET /accounts N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[AccountResource Account]]
ACC.04 GET /accounts/:id N/A [[AccountResource Account]]
ACC.05 DELETE /accounts/:id lock_version Status code


Account Types

You can access account types in following ways.

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
ACT.01 POST /account_types [[AccountTypeResource AccountType]] URL of newly created account type
ACT.02 PUT /account_types/:id [[AccountTypeResource AccountType]] Updated [[AccountTypeResource AccountType]]
ACT.03 GET /account_types N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[AccountTypeResource AccountType]]
ACT.04 GET /account_types/:id N/A [[AccountTypeResource AccountType]]
ACT.05 DELETE /account_types/:id lock_version Status code


  • ACT.01, ACT.02 and ACT.05 might be deprecated.


User resources can be interacted in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
USR.01 POST /users [[UserResource User]] URL of newly created user
USR.02 PUT /users/:id [[UserResource User]] Updated [[UserResource User]]
USR.03 GET /users/:id N/A [[UserResource User]]
USR.04 GET /users N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[UserResource User]]
USR.05 DELETE users/:id lock_version Status code
USR.06 POST /accounts/:account_id/users [[UserResource User]] URL of newly created user
USR.07 PUT /accounts/:account_id/users/:id [[UserResource User]] Updated [[UserResource User]]
USR.08 GET /accounts/:account_id/users/:id N/A [[UserResource User]]
USR.09 GET /accounts/:account_id/users N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[UserResource User]]
USR.10 DELETE /accounts/:account_id/users/:id lock_version Status code


  • USR.01 creates the user in the account of the user making the request.
  • USR.04 returns the users from the account of the user making the request.

User Types

You can interact with the [[UserTypeResource|user type resource]] in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
UST.01 GET /user_types N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[UserTypeResource UserType]]
UST.02 GET /user_types/:id N/A [[UserTypeResource UserType]]



Dedomenon databases can be accessed in following ways via REST API:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
DTB.01 POST /databases [[DatabaseResource Database]] URL of newly created database
DTB.02 PUT /databases/:id [[DatabaseResource Database]] Updated [[DatabaseResource Database]]
DTB.03 GET /databases/:id N/A [[DatabaseResource Database]]
DTB.04 GET /databases N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DatabaseResource Database]]
DTB.05 DELETE databases/:id lock_version Status code
DTB.06 POST /accounts/:account_id/databases [[DatabaseResource Database]] URL of newly created database
DTB.07 PUT /accounts/:account_id/databases/:id [[DatabaseResource Database]] Updated [[DatabaseResource Database]]
DTB.08 GET /accounts/:account_id/databases/:id N/A [[DatabaseResource Database]]
DTB.09 GET /accounts/:account_id/databases N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DatabaseResource Database]]
DTB.10 DELETE /accounts/:account_id/databases/:id lock_version Status code


  • DTB.01 creates the database in the account of the user making the request.
  • DTB.04 returns the databases from the account of the user making the request.


You can access the entities resources in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
ENT.01 POST /entities [[EntityResource Entity]] URL of newly created entity
ENT.02 PUT /entities/:id [[EntityResource Entity]] Updated [[EntityResource Entity]]
ENT.03 GET /entities/:id N/A [[EntityResource Entity]]
ENT.04 DELETE entities/:id lock_version Status code
ENT.05 POST /databases/:database_id/entities [[EntityResource Entity]] URL of newly created entity
ENT.06 PUT /databases/:database_id/entities/:id [[EntityResource Entity]] Updated [[EntityResource Entity]]
ENT.07 GET /databases/:database_id/entities/:id N/A [[EntityResource Entity]]
ENT.08 GET /databases/:database_id/entities N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[EntityResource Entity]]
ENT.09 DELETE /databases/:database_id/entities/:id lock_version Status code


  • ENT.01 should mention the database id in the resource


Details can be accessed in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
DTL.01 POST /details [[DetailResource Detail]] URL of newly created detail
DTL.02 PUT /details/:id [[DetailResource Detail]] Updated [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.03 GET /details/:id N/A [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.04 DELETE details/:id lock_version Status code
DTL.05 POST /databases/:database_id/details [[DetailResource Detail]] URL of newly created detail
DTL.06 PUT /databases/:database_id/details/:id [[DetailResource Detail]] Updated [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.07 GET /databases/:database_id/details/:id N/A [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.08 GET /databases/:database_id/details N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.09 DELETE /databases/:database_id/details/:id lock_version Status code
DTL.10 POST /entities/:entity_id/details [[DetailResource Detail]] Status code
DTL.11 PUT /entities/:entity_id/details/:id [[DetailResource Detail]] Updated [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.12 GET /entities/:entity_id/details/:id N/A [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.13 GET /entities/:entity_id/details N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.14 DELETE /entities/:entity_id/details/:id N/A Status code
DTL.15 POST /instances/:instance_id/details [[DetailResource Detail]] Status code
DTL.16 PUT /instances/:instance_id/details/:id [[DetailResource Detail]] Updated [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.17 GET /instances/:instance_id/details/:id N/A [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.18 GET /instances/:instance_id/details N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DetailResource Detail]]
DTL.19 DELETE /instances/:instance_id/details/:id N/A Status code


  • DTL.01 required database_id to be mentioned in [[DetailResource|detail resource]]
  • DTL.04 deletes the [[DetailResource|detail]] from the system.
  • DTL.05 creates a detail in the [[DatabaseResource|database]] mentioned as part of URL.
  • DTL.08 returns [[ResourceParcel|resource parcel] containing all the [[DetailResource|details] of [[DatabaseResource|database]]
  • DTL.09 will delete the detail from the database.
  • DTL.10 links a detail with an entity.
  • DTL.13 returns [[ResourceParcel|resource parcel]] containing all the [[DetailResource|details]] of an [[EntityResource|entity]]
  • DTL.14 unlinks a [[DetailResource|detail]] from an [[EntityResource|entity]]
  • DTL.15 to DTL.19 are same as DTL.10 to DTL.14 however they are effective to the entity of the instance being mentioned.


You can interact with the detail status resource in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
DTS.01 GET /detail_statuses N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DetailStatusResource DetailStatus]]
DTS.02 GET /detail_statuses/:id N/A [[DetailStatusResource DetailStatus]]


Detail Value Propositions

Detail value proposition resources can be interacted in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
DVP.01 POST /propositions [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]] URL of newly created proposition
DVP.02 PUT /propositions/:id [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]] Updated [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]]
DVP.03 GET /propositions/:id N/A [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]]
DVP.04 DELETE /propositions/:id lock_version Status code
DVP.05 POST /details/:detail_id/propositions [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]] URL of newly created proposition
DVP.06 PUT /details/:detail_id/propositions/:id [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]] Updated [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]]
DVP.07 GET /details/:detail_id/propositions N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]]
DVP.08 GET /details/:detail_id/propositions/:id N/A [[DetailValuePropositionResource DetailValueProposition]]
DVP.09 DELETE /details/:detail_id/propositions/:id lock_version Status code


  • DVP.01 must mention the URL of the [[DetailResource|detail]] as detail_url
  • DVP.05 considers the detail id from the path if the detail_url field in the [[DetailResource|detail resource]] is missing
  • DVP.07 returns all the [[DetailValuePropositionResource|propositions]] of a [[DetailResource|detail]] mentioned in the path.


You can interact with data type resource in Dedomenon with following REST calls:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
DTP.01 GET /data_types N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[DataTypeResource DataType]]
DTP.02 GET /data_types/:id N/A [[DataTypeResource DataType]]



You can access Relation resource in following ways through REST API:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
REL.01 POST /relations [[RelationResource Relation]] URL of newly created relation
REL.02 PUT /relations/:id [[RelationResource Relation]] Updated [[RelationResource Relation]]
REL.03 GET /relations/:id N/A [[RelationResource Relation]]
REL.04 DELETE relations/:id lock_version Status code
REL.05 POST /entities/:entity_id/relations [[RelationResource Relation]] URL of newly created relation
REL.06 PUT /entities/:entity_id/relations/:id [[RelationResource Relation]] Updated [[RelationResource Relation]]
REL.07 GET /entities/:entity_id/relations/:id N/A [[RelationResource Relation]]
REL.08 GET /entities/:entity_id/relations N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[RelationResource Relation]]
REL.09 DELETE /entities/:entity_id/relations/:id lock_version Status code


  • REL.01 The resource must mention both the parent_url and child_url in the [[RelationResource|relation resource]]
  • REL.02 will only rename the relation sides
  • REL.05 will take parent or child entity id from the entity mentioned in path if any one of these is missing from the provided relation resource.
  • REL.08 will return all the relations of an entity

Relations Side Types

You can interact with RelationSideType resources in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
RST.01 GET /relation_side_types/:id N/A [[RelationSideTypeResource RelationSideType]]
RST.02 GET /relation_side_types N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[RelationSideTypeResource RelationSideType]]



You can interact with the instances resources in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
INS.01 POST /instances [[InstanceResource Instance]] Array of URL of newly created instances
INS.02 PUT /instances/:id [[InstanceResource Instance]] Updated [[InstanceResource Instance]]
INS.03 GET /instances/:id N/A [[InstanceResource Instance]]
INS.04 DELETE instances/:id lock_version Status code
INS.05 POST /entities/:entity_id/instances [[InstanceResource Instance]] Array of URLs of newly created instances
INS.06 PUT /entities/:entity_id/instances/:id [[InstanceResource Instance]] Updated [[InstanceResource Instance]]
INS.07 GET /entities/:entity_id/instances/:id N/A [[InstanceResource Instance]]
INS.08 GET /entities/:entity_id/instances N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[InstanceResource Instance]]
INS.09 DELETE /entities/:entity_id/instances/:id lock_version Status code


  • INS.01 and INS.05 accept either a single instance or an array of instances.
  • INS.01 requires entity_url to be mentioned in the instance resource if a single resource is being submitted or in the first resource if multiple resources are being submitted.


You can interact with the links in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
LNK.01 POST /links [[LinkResource Link]] URL of newly created link
LNK.02 GET /links/:id N/A [[LinkResource Link]]
LNK.03 DELETE /links/:id lock_version Status code
LNK.04 POST /instances/:instance_id/links [[LinkResource Link]] URL of newly created link
LNK.05 GET /instances/:instance_id/links N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[LinkResource Link]]
LNK.06 DELETE /instances/:instance_id/links/:id lock_version Status code


  • LNK.01 must mention both parent_url and child_url of the participant [[InstanceResource|instances]] in [[LinkResource|link resource]]
  • LNK.04 takes child_url or parent_url from the path if one of them missing. If both missing, call is rejected.
  • LNK.05 gets all the links of an [[InstanceResource|instance]].
  • PUT calls are not available for links, you need to do DELETE and then POST to achieve same effect.


You can access value resources in Dedomenon via REST API in following ways:

Call ID Method Path Requires Returns
VAL.01 POST /instances/:instance_id/details/:detail_id/values [[ValueResource Value]] URL of newly created Value
VAL.02 PUT /instances/:instance_id/details/:detail_id/values/:id [[ValueResource Value]] Updated [[ValueResource Value]]
VAL.03 GET /instances/:instance_id/details/:detail_id/values N/A [[ResourceParcel Parcel]] of [[ValueResource Value]]
VAL.03 GET /instances/:instance_id/details/:detail_id/values/:id N/A [[ValueResource Value]]
VAL.04 DELETE /instances/:instance_id/details/:detail_id/values/:id lock_version Status code


  • VAL.02 will increment the instance version also.
  • VAL03 and VAL.04 will return download URLs for attachmennt types. (Like S3Attachment and FileAttachment)